Let’s talk about Kandi and the Gang! Episode one season one! Kandi has a new spin off! Welcome to the recap and review! It centers around OLG restaurant. I’m not gonna lie I have heard some pretty negative reviews about this restaurant! Well…some of the things I have heard and read about…Charging customers for ice! Over priced menu items! Employees with bad attitudes! Horrible customer service! Inconsistent food! Failed health inspections!
This spin-off show is going to be very interesting. I wanted to know why the reviews were so bad and well watching this very first episode, I can see why the reviews were so bad! I do have to say that the first episode was really good! I’m gonna give it a 8 out of 10!
New personalities!
I got to say that there are many new personalities! I mean many new people to get to know! Tons of new folk! This will mark Kandi’s 5th spinoff! One thing is clear she likes to hustle! She is always finding new was to make that money. She even wrote theme song for her show! I’m not mad at her! She knows how to get that coin! She is about collecting her checks. Point blank Period!
So move over VanderPump Rules Kandi and the Gang are in town! I wasn’t very interested in VanderPump Rules but I’m certainly interested in Kandi and the Gang! I love how from the jump Kandi addressed the negative reviews online, and bad press about the restaurant! I love that because that was the elephant in the room! We all want to know why is the restaurant getting all these bad reviews?
Wild Wild West OLG!
Kandi and her husband Todd want to improve the OLG restaurant and get things back on track. Things at the restaurant are off the rails. It’s like the Wild Wild West over there! And it’s this way because I think they have neglected it. They have so many other business ventures.
Meet new manager Phillip!
They are bringing in a new manager Phillip from Blaze! He has been having a really positive affect on that restaurant so they thought if they brought him over to the OLG. They are hoping he could have the same positive affect but the staff do not seem to be aware that Phillip is the new manager. The staff have no idea who Phillip is. Maybe he’s just a worker like them. They have no idea that he is their new boss. So the point of hiring this new manager was to get the restaurant back to where it was when it first opened!
The bosses meet!
Don Juan, Kandi, her husband Todd and are meeting with the new general manager Phillip! Kandi and Todd feel that Don Juan has been doing way too much at the restaurant and they want to integrate Phillip more! Don Juan is responsible for so many things! How many jobs as does Don Juan even have?
Phillip took a pay cut!
I like Phillip. He doesn’t tolerate nonsense. I can’t believe this man took a pay cut to work with these folks. Phillip usually works with the top tier and fine dining restaurants, I don’t see him staying at OLG! Especially if Kandi doesn’t get on board.
Meet greeter Shawdreca
Then we meet a Shawndreca! Shawndreca is the original host of OLG, she is responsible for the bad Yelp reviews and I understand why the reviews were not great. So why is she still employed by Kandi? Why is she employed? Todd why is she still employed? Kandi why is she still employed? If she is not good for the OLG she has got to go! Shawndreca needs to be fired years ago. If she’s not good for your business she needs to go! Bye girl! Bye!
Meet Dom’Unique!
We meet Dom’Unique the dancer! She is the sage burning bartender. Dancing is her passion! Dancing is first, OLG is second! We meet Brandon who is the manager but he doesn’t seem to like to manage. We learn that he just kind of got thrown into the position when the general manager left. He was not even given any training. Now that’s a recipe for disaster.
Phillip introduced to the staff!
Phillip tells Kandi that the aunties are part of the problem! Aunt Bertha, Aunt Nora and Mama Joyce! Kandi gathers the staff to meet the new manager Phillip! Watching all the staff at the beginning of this episode makes it clear why the business is struggling. And from the jump Shawndreca is talking about how she doesn’t like Phillip in front of everybody! How can she not like Phillip if she hasn’t even given him a chance? Shawndreca says that he is the hundred manager that they’ve had in four years so good luck with that!
Kandi wants to do a reunion!
Kandi wants to do a reunion for all past and present employees! Why would candy want to do a reunion for the past employees? Obviously they are not there for a reason. Leave these people in the past! Focus on the current employees and improving your restaurant!
Phillip sends Shawndreca home!
Don Juan wants to have a meeting with Philip and Shawndreca! I guess because of the comments she made during the little introduction meeting. Don Juan makes it clear to her that whatever Phillip says goes because he is now the new manager. So Phillip says that he doesn’t want to do any back-and-forth with with any hourly employees! He ends up sending her home because he overheard her gossip about him to Dom’Unique. Phillip makes it clear she is just a greeter!
OLG ladies tell it like it is!
The old lady gang met with Kandi separately. Kandi wanted to get their take on the restaurant! They all basically tell Kandi the same thing. Your employees suck! Your employees are the problem! They ain’t worth nothing! And I have to say that I agree with them. That’s my first impression of the employees! They are pretty bad! How is this restaurant still open? I think it’s still open just because of the clout of Kandi! Kandi tells the OLG ladies to stay out of the kitchen! She realizes that it’s their recipes but she just wants them to stop arguing with the people in the kitchen! Mama Joyce denies arguing with anybody.
The day of the reunion!
It’s the day of the reunion and we start to meet the new and old employees! We meet Torin and he formerly managed the Friday night lives! However, he quit because he felt he was being pushed into many directions! All he really wanted to do was do events.
There is a little flirtation going on between Brandon and Dom’Unique but they’re both acting like they’re not flirting!
Todd mindset!
Todd doesn’t wanna hire anybody old! He has that certain his mindset and I agree with him 100%. If he fires someone why would he want to bring them back! Leave them in the past! But not Kandi she is all about the loyalty! I think that’s why she hasn’t fired a Shawndreca.She is the original hostess and maybe candy is stuck on that! How long has a Don Juan been working with Kandi!?
We meet Brian!
We meet Brian he was the OLG’s ex bartender! He was everybody’s fave bartender! Brian describes working at theOLG as one big dysfunctional family! So Brian and Rashard look identical! Brian tells us he’s wearing a toupee! I guess a man weave. The toupee looks good! Brian is giving out flyers for his soul food egg rolls while at the reunion. I love egg rolls! God that sounds so good! Kandi wants ex bartender Brian to come back to work at the restaurant!
We meet Rashard/Shardo!
Then we meet Rashard Shardo who is the fashion forward host at the Blaze restaurant! Kandi wants him to come over to the OLG and be a host as well as Shawndreca! Kandi is doing this because she’s hoping that Shawndreca will learn from Rashard. But I can see Rashard and Shawndreca clashing! She does not like to be told what to do and it looks like he’s going to be coming over and re-training her so! But she thinks that she’s going to be showing him the ropes! Shardo and Shawndreca’s work ethics are the complete opposite! So there is going to be a lot of drama between these two!
Shawndreca is late again!
The next day…Shardo is letting us know he’s getting paid way less than he got paid working at Blaze! He arrives to work early but of course Shawndreca is ten minutes late! Also that scene of her taking out her rollers out while driving! Oh boy! Customers were outside lined up waiting to get into the restaurant and Shawndreca is still on the road! She said she’s always late! How does she still have a job! Coming to work just before it opens is not OK! I would think that if you are the hostess you should arrive at least 15 minutes!
Don Juan and Phillip are annoyed!
Don Juan and Phillip are annoyed! Shardo wants to know if there is an iPad or something that he can check people in! And she’s like no.. this is the ghetto! Oh lord why would she say that about Kandi’s restaurant. She calling Kandi’s establishment ghetto and she still has a job?!
First shift with Shawndreca!
Shardo/Rashard first shift with Shawndreca was crazy he had to go up and down stairs so many times… things were disorganized…things are a mess!
Brandon and Dom’Unique!
So we revisit Brandon and Dom’Unique! We all can see they like each other and Brandon asked Dom’Unique out! Hopefully for us this will be a problem! Because we all know that it is dangerous to date your coworkers! So I envision some future drama! Brandon said that he started working at the OLG because he wanted to get close to Dom’Unique!
The power goes out!
OK so the power goes out it’s getting hot in the restaurant! Phillip is worried that people are just going to skip out and not pay their bills. So why isn’t their a generator to back up this power going out? Apparently, the power is out on the entire block, the customers are waiting for their checks! Customers are hot and they are sitting in the dark! And what are the staff doing? They are just sitting there because they’re not getting any direction! Kandi finally pulls up and of course Phillip is mad!
Todd please buy a generator!
Kandi says we got to get a generator but Todd doesn’t seem to wanna get a generator! This is crazy apparently this happens frequently and Todd hasn’t gone out and gotten a generator! So if this is happening frequently. So are people just running out and not paying their bill. I mean what if they don’t have cash! The fact that Todd knows about this problem makes the problem even worse!
Generator buy one now!
I am sitting her watching Kandi and Todd justify not having a generator in their restaurant, because it’s a big task? Y’all have a whole restaurant though… Todd stop being cheap and just get a generator! Todd this is not a good look! You need to get this generator now! And what does Shawndreca say… she said this is just another day in Candy land! lol The power goes out all the time! This whole situation with the generator is a mess! How is it that you have a restaurant Todd and you don’t want to get a generator?! Todd????
Final thoughts!
Final thoughts…So Kandi kept the greeter with the bad attitude but couldn’t keep Torin who was bringing in the coin? To sum up, I see that they need to let go of the unprofessional employees, family or not, get a generator, and look for employees that have experience in food service and hospitality. I really like the show so far. I’m thinking there’s gonna be lots of drama! This could be the next VanderPump Rules but even better. OK so that’s the review!
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Phillip and Felipe are fine but Phillip had to tone down that arrogance.